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The Reading Comprehension Blueprint Combo

RRP - $174.54   Our Price - $170.45  Softcover
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Nancy E Hennessy, Julia A Salamone

  • The Reading Comprehension Blueprint Combo

584 pages
Interest Age: 5 to 14

In Nancy Hennessy’s bestselling Reading Comprehension Blueprint, K-8 educators around the world learned the fundamentals of evidence-based comprehension instruction. Now; in response to popular demand; there’s a companion activity book that helps teachers apply the Blueprint in their classrooms! This combo gives you both books in one great value package.

Comprehension is a primary ingredient of reading success—but most educators aren't taught how to deliver structured comprehension instruction in their classrooms. Meticulously researched and masterfully organised, The Reading Comprehension Blueprint offers a clear blueprint for understanding the complexities of reading comprehension and delivering high-quality, evidence-based instruction that helps students construct meaning from challenging texts. Aligned with the science of reading and IDA's Structured Literacy approach, The Reading Comprehension Blueprint is a must for in-service educators and an ideal supplement to pair with core literacy textbooks.

Grounded in the science of reading, The Reading Comprehension Blueprint Activity Book is a practical field guide to intentional instruction that enhances reading comprehension skills for all learners. The activity book covers every section of the Blueprint: vocabulary, syntax and sentence comprehension, text structures, background knowledge, and levels of understanding and inference as well as expression of understanding. For each of these critical areas, this activity book helps teachers apply knowledge of structured comprehension instruction in their classrooms; and strengthen reading success for every learner.

With this Combo, today's teachers will get the essential knowledge and practical tools they need to help every student become a proficient reader—and build a strong foundation for school success.

Item MediaPrice
img_11221The Reading Comprehension Blueprint Combo
img_1008620The Reading Comprehension Blueprint
Helping Students Make Meaning from Text
img_2011220The Reading Comprehension Blueprint Activity Book
A Practice & Planning Guide for Teachers